Bore water is environmentally friendly because it is the natural way of recycling rainwater. Over 90% of all winter rain soaks into the ground to be available for your water bore to pump onto your garden.

Rain falls on the roof of your house and is directed into soak wells and then to the Perth groundwater.

The water is then pumped from the ground water via a domestic water bore into your retic system and on to your lawn and garden.

Some facts about Perth Groundwater:

Perth water bores are the perfect recycler of the rain water that falls on your home because the water can be used again and again. What your garden does not use soaks away to be recycled by your water bore and retic system.

35% of all rain that falls in established suburbs soaks through to the groundwater. And eventually flows through the soil out to the sea.

Perth homes typically use less water to irrigate their gardens than what falls on their property.

If you live in the coastal strip then if you do not use the water it will flow through the ground into the ocean.

The water Authority encourages Perth Home owners to install water bores and was paying Perth homeowners a subsidy to do so just a few years ago. It was stopped due to lack of funds.

Water bores in the Perth suburbs save the water department f from upgrading pipes and infrastructure.

They save residents a considerable amount of desalinated and treated dam water from being used on Perth Gardens.

Your garden does not like chemically treated expensive drinking water and would rather beautiful ground water.

The Boreman business is a green carbon neutral business and the trees we plant every year are designed to offset the carbon we produce installing your bore and the running of your water bore forever.

22 years ago when I shopped around to find a company that would offset our carbon production and the running costs of every bore we install I quickly realised that there was not a company that could do both. I then decided to buy a farm in the wheat belt. This farm was originally cleared back in the 50’s and was used for growing wheat.

The first year we planted about 20,000 trees and now we have over 180,000 new trees growing. These will be bush forever. We our astounded and delighted by how many native birds and animals have returned to the property.

The Boreman farm is now home to about 5 Mallee fowl that are not extinct but they are in serious danger because of habitat removal.

If you are passionate about the environment and especially the preservation of our native flora and fauna then the Boreman is right behind you.

The Boreman is committed to planting about 10 to 20,000 trees per year until the whole farm is returned to the native flora and fauna. You are welcome to visit the farm anytime.

Ryan Ferguson 0412 237 571

Replace your old well bore

The new submersible bore is under the grass. It produces the same quantity as the old pump and never needs to primed.

How are residential water bores installed?

WHAT HAPPENS WHEN YOU SAY YES TO A NEW BORE? The drill team will arrive and commence to drill. The drilling operation will take from 2 to 8 hours, depending on the depth and the geology encountered. The drill team will line the hole with a Class 9 100mm PVC casing. They will then pack […]

What will your bore look like?

Submersible pumps in bores   The modern water bore The Boreman typically installs in a Perth suburban home is often totally out of sight. Your bore is designed with only premium parts and components. The best place to install your new water bore is in the front lawn because it will be easy to find […]

Will my water bore stain?

If you are thinking of installing a water bore and concerned about staining contact us today to discuss solutions.  Not all water bores stain, however in high iron content areas there are solutions available to remove the staining before it comes through your irrigation system. Feel free to ring me anytime to discuss.

How are water bores installed?

What happens when you say yes to a new bore? The Boreman will listen to you and then we will custom design your water bore to enhance your retic system. Your whole retic system including your controller will be tested to make sure it is all compatible. You will be kept informed and hopefully you […]