Retic Controllers cause 80%
of all Bore failures, Replace
yours and save money.

Rainbird ESP are without doubt the best controller on the market and have been for the last 20 years. If your controller is not a rainbird ESP then I suggest no is the time to upgrade because it will save you money in the long term.

Rainbird controllers will enhance the value of your home.

They have three independent programs and an array of features for maximum flexibility. You will find them a pleasure to use.

They also incorporate Rain Bird’s ESP Extra Simple Programming, making it easy to monitor and adjust watering schedules.

Press one button to manually water your gardens on those hot dry days. It will automatically reset to auto.

This is the only controller that I recommend because it is the one that all our customers praise. It is complex in its features and simple to program. You will be amazed at how easy it is to use.

It is the only 5 Star retic controller available in Australia

Ryan Ferguson 0412 237 571